2008 Ice Out Entries

A sorted list is available here

The Ice is OUT! YAY!

We have a winner! Sandy Johnson, who entered on March 31st and guessed May 2nd at 4:00pm. According to our expert panel, the ice is out as of May 3rd at 5:53 PM. The next guess was May 12th at 1:14 (Sorry Lizzy!).

Congratulations to Sandy!

Bring on Summer!

I'd also like to take a minute to say how much I appreciate Josh and Amy's support for this contest over the years! They are a special part of the Bay Lake community! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Date of entry Name Ice Out Date and Time

Timothy Ruddy

04/29 5:00 PM

03/02/2008 Peter J Mulheran 03/28 3:45 PM
03/04/2008 Barb Ruff 04/11 4:00 PM
03/06/2008 Dane Anderson 04/20 2:00 PM
03/07/2008 Michael Ruddy 04/25 1:30 PM
03/10/2008 Mike McGraw 04/26 1:00 PM
03/11/2008 Bob Ferris 04/20 3:30 PM
03/13/2008 Craig Yudell 04/12 3:45 PM
03/15/2008 Wayne Aakre 04/19 4:00 PM
03/16/2008 Nicole Snell 05/02 3:30 PM
03/16/08 Peter F Mulheran 04/24 4:00 PM
03/17/2008 Robert Scheffen 04/15 5:15 PM
03/19/2008 Eileen McCormick 04/18 4:45 PM
03/19/2008 Mike Vanda 04/22 2:22 PM
03/19/2008 Sage Rider 04/18 4:00 PM
03/21/2008 Judy Nelson 04/24 4:15 PM
03/21/2008 Lizzy Cellette 05/12 1:14 AM
03/23/3008 Bruce Johnson 04/22 3:45 PM
03/24/2008 Harvey Throop 04/24 3:00 PM
03/24/2008 Siv Norrman 04/24 4:00 AM
03/24/2008 Marshall Anderson 04/22 4:00 AM
03/24/2008 Marcia Anderson 04/23 4:00 AM
03/25/2008 Robert Baumgartner 04/26 4:00 PM
03/25/2008 Mary Laughlin Mulheran 04/28 4:55 PM
03/25/2008 Jenny Vanda 04/30 2:22 PM
03/26/2008 Kathleen Mulheran 04/17 2:45 PM
03/27/2008 Jim Ysseldyke 04/27 12:00 PM
03/27/2008 Mark Geier 04/21 5:00 PM
03/27/2008 Margot Coomes 04/22 3:28 PM
03/28/2008 Hunter Busyn 04/15 12:00 PM
03/29/2008 Jerry & Darlene Johnson 04/28 2:12 PM
03/29/2008 Mark Waterloo 04/17 12:00 PM
03/29/2008 Matthew Waterloo 04/11 12:00 PM
03/29/2008 Beth Waterloo 04/24 12:00 PM
03/29/2008 Thomas Waterloo 04/23 12:00 PM
03/29/2008 Jay & Susan Murphy 04/21 2:00 PM
03/29/2008 Lee Gillespie 04/18 2:00 PM
03/30/2008 Carl-Magnus Norman 04/25 4:00 PM
03/30/2008 Vance Yudell 04/21 2:30 PM
03/30/2008 Valerie Yudell 04/18 3:31 PM
03/30/2008 Kelsey Rose 04/17 4:00 PM
03/30/2008 Miles Kilcoin 04/25 3:00 PM
03/31/2008 Steve Souder 04/24 5:00 PM
03/31/2008 Dawn Dilbeck 04/26 9:00 AM
03/31/2008 Tiffin Tripp 04/19 5:00 PM
03/31/2008 Andy Tripp 04/28 4:30 PM
03/31/2008 Brent Souder 04/23 5:00 PM
03/31/2008 Andrea Halverson 05/19 2:00 PM
03/31/2008 Marlene Souder 04/25 5:01 PM
03/31/2008 Michael Rothwell 04/25 4:31 PM
03/31/2008 Josh Goolsbee 05/01 6:38 PM
03/31/2008 Julie (Bell) Evanson 04/25 5:15 PM
03/31/2008 David Mundt 04/23 3:30 PM
03/31/2008 LeAnne Brecht 04/20 6:00 PM
03/31/2008 Dan Mulheran 04/26 2:00 PM
03/31/2008 Gary Malek 04/20 6:00 AM
03/31/2008 Mark Sather 04/25 8:00 AM
03/31/2008 Carol Malek 04/19 6:00 AM
03/31/2008 Sherm Malkerson 04/19 3:25 PM
03/31/2008 Donna & Tom Murphy 05/01 12:00 PM
03/31/2008 Bev Danielson Sellie 04/21 6:00 AM
03/31/2008 Sandy Johnson 05/02 4:00 PM
03/31/2008 Todd Urbanski 04/24 2:17 PM
03/31/2008 Philip Malkerson 04/27 4:30 PM
03/31/2008 Allison Goolsbee 04/23 4:00 PM
03/31/2008 Dean Mathews 04/15 5:01 PM
03/31/2008 Leah Malkerson 04/28 1:46 PM
03/31/2008 Mary Watson 04/30 3:17 PM
03/31/2008 Bri Shekels 04/24 1:02 PM
03/31/2008 Teresa Bunger 05/08 4:30 PM
03/31/2008 Bruce Malkerson 04/27 4:00 PM
03/31/2008 Laurie Shekels 04/30 4:00 PM
03/31/2008 Steph Shekels 04/17 3:33 PM
03/31/2008 Matt Bunger 04/10 3:30 PM
03/31/2008 Jim Brecht 04/21 5:15 PM
03/31/2008 Nancy LaTourneau 04/20 4:00 PM
03/31/2008 Kristi Rabenburg 04/29 3:00 PM
03/31/2008 Mike Rose 04/27 6:00 PM
03/31/2008 JP Rose 04/23 6:00 PM
03/31/2008 Nancy Jann 04/28 1:00 PM
03/31/2008 Tom Jann 04/21 12:00 PM
03/31/2008 Kristiene Erickson 04/23 3:42 PM
03/31/2008 Brian Mitsch 04/24 5:30 PM
03/31/2008 Jim Bye 04/25 5:00 PM
03/31/2008 Valorie Barglof-Broeckert 04/17 1:30 PM
03/31/2008 John Broeckert 04/21 7:00 PM
03/31/2008 Cindi Foster 05/02 1:00 PM