Ice Out Contest

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Welcome to the Eighteenth Annual
Bay Lake Ice Out Contest!


!!! ICE OUT !!!!

As of 11:45 am today April 24 the wind cleared the last bit of ice out by Chruch Island!

Congratulations Diane More!


Hey Bay Lake, while its not looking a lot like spring at this point, I think its time to start the Bay Lake Ice Out contest, if for nothing else than keeping our sanity while we are waiting for spring!

To make it a bit more interesting, it will be open for entries for three weeks only - Until midnight on March 22.

As usual, the rules are easy, and simple, email your entry to us by clicking here prior to 11:59 PM Friday March 22, 2019 with the exact date and time ( be sure to include both the date and the time to the minute ) you predict Bay Lake to be Ice Free! If you dont use that link PLEASE MAKE SURE you use the subject "Bay Lake Ice Out 2019"

That helps me sort the entry emails from all the other email and prevents it from being sent to the spam folder.

If your entry is the closest, or matches our judge's decision, you win! Also, if a pevious entry matches yours to the minute you will be asked to select a new time if your entry was submitted after the matching one. The deadline may change should the weather take a drastic turn warmer. (please!?!?)

As usual the winner will receive a gift certificate to the wonderful Lonesome Pine courtesy of the Shekels family and Josh and Amy Goolsbee!

Note: Names and entries will be posted on the web site, unless you ask not to be listed. No email information will be posted.

Date of Entry Name Ice Out Guess
3/19/19 Carl-Magnus Norrman 4/9/19 1:00
3/19/19 Siv Norrman  4/10/19 1:00
3/1/19 Rob Pilla 4/12/19 16:32
3/21/19 Susan Murphy 4/13/19 13:15
3/6/19 Jenna Wold 4/13/19 15:00
3/22/19 Grant Ecker 4/13/19 16:15
3/21/19 Clint Larson 4/15/19 14:00
3/16/19 Louise Sorenson 4/15/19 14:30
3/20/19 Mike Kohnen 4/15/19 15:24
3/16/19 Dylan Sorenson 4/16/19 13:30
3/20/19 Jim Brecht 4/16/19 13:50
3/22/19 Madolyn Elias 4/16/19 14:17
3/4/19 Michelle Lynch 4/16/19 15:30
3/1/19 Lucy Hilgert 4/17/19 8:00
3/22/19 Tom Bray 4/17/19 10:00
3/1/19 Colleen Sicard 4/17/19 11:05
3/21/19 Lance Brodbent 4/17/19 11:15
3/22/19 Kay Finberg Johnson 4/17/19 14:10
3/2/19 Julie Harrigan 4/17/19 14:21
3/4/19 Randy Clementson 4/17/19 16:30
3/16/19 Bruce Sorenson 4/17/19 16:45
3/11/19 Liam Anderson 4/18/19 12:15
3/10/19 Mark Geier 4/18/19 15:19
3/20/19 Kathy Kohnen 4/18/19 17:30
3/2/19 Grady Hilgert 4/19/19 9:00
3/5/19 Kyle Stark 4/19/19 13:39
3/20/19 James Dwyer 4/19/19 16:30
3/12/19 Griffin Marvin 4/20/19 16:20
3/21/19 Heather Norton 4/20/19 16:20
3/21/19 Steve 4/21/19 2:15
3/22/19 Jane Balster 4/21/19 14:22
3/20/19 Sandy Johnson 4/21/19 16:05
3/18/19 Alana Cook 4/21/19 16:44
3/20/19 Maggie Dwyer 4/21/19 16:45
3/4/19 Brian Moore 4/22/19 14:00
3/10/19 Joy Winkle 4/23/19 0:00
3/20/19 Gary Malek 4/23/19 4:59
3/21/19 David Stark 4/23/19 9:47
3/16/19 Mark Noren 4/23/19 10:30
3/21/19 Kent Lillemoe 4/23/19 11:13
3/4/19 Lee Gillespie 4/23/19 14:30
3/19/19 Michelle Prokott 4/23/19 14:31
3/22/19 Tim Omdahl 4/23/19 14:43
3/4/19 Jon Bogen 4/23/19 15:23
3/21/19 Kory Stark 4/23/19 16:10
3/19/19 Brian Cornwell 4/23/19 16:55
3/21/19 Diane More 4/24/19 13:45
3/14/19 Kristie Davis 4/24/19 15:12
3/22/19 Roger Stark 4/24/19 15:39
3/12/19 Harpers 4/24/19 15:45
3/21/19 Scott More 4/25/19 12:00
3/21/19 Karen Stark 4/25/19 14:00
3/7/19 Sarah Fischer johnson 4/25/19 16:00
3/19/19 Tyler and Ashley  Bowman 4/26/19 7:00
3/4/19 Allen Barron 4/26/19 8:30
3/4/19 Madeline Ruff 4/26/19 12:00
3/21/19 Sydney More 4/26/19 13:46
3/20/19 Bruce Johnson 4/26/19 15:45
3/11/19 Julia Anderson 4/26/19 16:20
3/22/19 Tom Probst 4/26/19 16:36
3/1/19 Kaari Hilgert 4/26/19 17:00
3/1/19 Seth Hilgert 4/27/19 11:45
3/4/19 Tom Jochum 4/27/19 15:15
3/18/19 Susan Klein 4/27/19 15:45
3/22/19 Kathy Stark 4/27/19 16:27
3/19/19 Mike Rose 4/27/19 17:15
3/4/19 Lois Barron 4/28/19 10:30
3/4/19 Jay Clementson 4/28/19 15:45
3/22/19 Todd Bergseng 4/28/19 16:00
3/10/19 Graham Anderson 4/28/19 16:38
3/4/19 Susan Breon 4/28/19 19:00
3/4/19 Barb Ruff 4/29/19 11:15
3/11/19 Aly Murphy 4/29/19 14:45
3/20/19 Scott Jochum 4/29/19 16:42
3/20/19 cwhitemerc 4/29/19 17:00
3/12/19 Caroline Marvin 4/29/19 18:36
3/14/19 Hans "Hanner" Kittleson 4/29/19 20:33
3/20/19 LeAnne Brecht 4/30/19 13:00
3/4/19 Tom Harrigan 4/30/19 13:30
3/22/19 Kristin Finberg 4/30/19 14:45
3/22/19 Milford Bunger 4/30/19 14:48
3/19/19 Linda Hamilton 4/30/19 15:35
3/21/19 Annie McShane 4/30/19 15:55
3/22/19 Nancy Bray 4/30/19 16:08
3/4/19 Kristen Olson 4/30/19 16:13
3/22/19 Brandon Bunger 4/30/19 16:18
3/21/19 Steve Klein 4/30/19 18:44
3/22/19 Kelly Chillstrom 5/1/19 10:00
3/9/19 Brenda Barr 5/1/19 12:00
3/11/19 Peter Anderson 5/1/19 12:02
3/22/19 David Shimota 5/1/19 14:31
3/4/19 Anna Ruff 5/1/19 16:13
3/21/19 Joan Kartak 5/2/19 12:02
3/20/19 John Sieve 5/2/19 14:35
3/18/19 Nancy Young 5/2/19 15:35
3/12/19 Chase and Michelle Johnson 5/2/19 16:23
3/22/19 Anita Colvin-Barth 5/2/19 18:00
3/21/19 Lindsey More 5/3/19 12:18
3/1/19 Bri Shekels 5/3/19 12:34
3/22/19 Teresa Bunger 5/3/19 15:23
3/21/19 Strobel 5/3/19 16:30
3/17/19 Ryan Brown 5/3/19 16:45
3/11/19 Brendan Murphy 5/4/19 16:20
3/22/19 Jenna Stark 5/4/19 16:30
3/15/19 Jean Parks 5/5/19 15:35
3/6/19 Amy Techam 5/5/19 16:15
3/4/19 Jim Bye 5/6/19 14:30
3/21/19 Tami Lillemoe 5/6/19 15:00
3/22/19 Matt Bunger 5/6/19 15:35
3/1/19 Andrew Nelson 5/6/19 16:55
3/4/19 Linda Orwall 5/7/19 12:52
3/7/19 Hedy Holmberg 5/7/19 15:05
3/21/19 Jono McShane 5/7/19 16:00
3/19/19 Jon Davis 5/7/19 16:35
3/1/19 Kathleen Orwoll 5/8/19 10:00
3/11/19 Robert Baumgartner 5/8/19 13:45
3/17/19 Tim Steinbeck 5/9/19 12:01
3/12/19 Lacey Nelson 5/9/19 14:30
3/3/19 Peggy Blistain 5/10/19 15:00
3/6/19 Dan Dibble 5/10/19 17:30
3/4/19 Shawn Elasky 5/11/19 12:00
3/1/19 Katie Johnson 5/13/19 9:58
3/6/19 James Ysseldyke 5/16/19 13:23
3/11/19 David Crouch 5/16/19 16:38
3/4/19 Amy Grady 5/20/19 14:30